I just got back from traveling on business to Europe (Germany and France).
I traveled with a moose. "A moose?", you ask. Yes, a moose. My granddaughter was given a plush moose by my son and daughter-in-love as a souvenir gift when they recently came back from a trip to Sweden.
She put it in my suitcase to take with me on my business trip.
I flew into Frankfurt Germany and took 3 trains to Strasbourg France (The capital of Europe).
Here's a Map showing the train route:
We walked around Strasbourg, here's a short video showing the Cathedral (more about that later)
This moose is such a great traveling companion! Moose reads the maps, helps with directions, carries my bags, finds the best places to sit and the most comfy side of the bed for me. Moose watches my bags for me, and is a great translator because this moose is conversant in many languages. Many people enjoyed seeing me take photos with the moose. Some people from work even suggested some pictures that I should take with the moose. Someone on the customer team said that the moose needed a traveling friend: a cigogne. This is the White Stork which is the emblem of the Alsace region of France where Strasbourg is located.
Here is the moose helping me with directions:
Moose helped me know when to cross the street too! Here the Moose is telling me to wait for green:
here we are outside the Strasbourg train station
inside the train station
on the local train (Thanks to my manager for taking this photo for me)
Here the moose is helping me order the local traditional dish of pork with sauerkraut: Chouchroute garnie
Here's what that dish looks like:
While walking about Strasbourg, my manager's manager kindly took this photo of me in front of the cathedral
Later in the evening, we saw this light show on the side of the cathedral. You can see fish and a whale in this sequence:
The moose helped me with the train schedule. Here you can see the board that shows how the trains are configured so you can figure out where to stand on the platform and if you have a reserved seat where it is on the train.
Another train ride:
And, here is moose watching my bags on the train
The Frankfurt Train station:
The hotel gave me a room key that said that their low prices are "Lower than a sausage dog taking a lie down" - which is quite funny since our dog Toby is a dachshund.
Look at this huge signboard at the Frankfurt airport!
When I saw this opportunity in the airport to pose with a hot air balloon, the moose wanted to take a selfie with me
And, in the plane, the moose found this comfy seat for me. We both had a great trip and a good ride home.
What do you think of the moose?