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I am going a webinar/presentation titled "5 Steps to Play With and Learn AI" On March 23, 2021. The live webinar is free (you can register here) and will be available soon afterward on-demand with other of my webinars.
This is reference information for that presentation.
The 5 steps to learning:
- Awareness / Decision / Goal
- Play / Experience / Experiment
- Learn
- Apply
- Share
1. Awareness:
The fact that you are here shows that you are aware. Now, you need to decide if you want to pursue it. Then, set a goal.
Forbes "Top 10 Tech Job Skills Predicted To Grow The Fastest In 2021" names AI as a top paying job.
Coursera story: "How Stijn landed his new job after completing the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate"
Data Science compared to Machine Learning "When Data Science Met Machine Learning" (this includes the Five Vs of data: volume, variety, veracity, value and velocity
Towards Data Science: "Data Science vs. Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning" by Sunny Srinidhi.
UpGrad: "Data Science vs AI: Difference Between Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" by Rohit Sharma Dec 17, 2019
SimpliLearn "AI vs Data Science: Mapping Your Career Path" By Ronald Van Loon Last updated on Feb 5, 2021
Thinkful: "Data Science vs Artificial Intelligence" includes salary information and career track information
New Jersey Institute of Technology: One of the only B.S. degrees in Data Science in the Nation
2. Play and Experiment
Includes: AI and Writing, AI and Learning, AI and Drawing, AI and Music
TJ BOT: https://www.ibm.org/activities/tjbot
Virtual TJ BOT: https://www.ibm.org/activities/virtual-tjbot
Machine Learning for Kids: https://www.ibm.org/activities/machine-learning-for-kids
Watson Conversation: https://www.ibm.org/activities/watson-conversation
This x does not exist
Generative Engine: https://experiments.runwayml.com/generative_engine/ Write and AI will draw a picture.
Image to Image Demo: upload an image and AI will make a corresponding image: https://affinelayer.com/pixsrv/
3. Learn
A great introductory article as an overview: From IBM "A beginner’s guide to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive computing"
AI and ML for Kidshttps://machinelearningforkids.co.uk/
8 AI-driven Creative Apps for You and Your Kids
Google Youtube video "AI Adventures: What is Machine Learning"
This tutorial and list of ML algorithms might be helpful to learn from:
Google Dialogflow tutorials -Try it free https://cloud.google.com/
Medium "The most impressive Youtube Channels for you to Learn AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science"
Python Profits: Learn ML, Regression, Classification, DL, Big Data https://www.pythonprofits.com/
IBM Watson
FREE cognitiveclass.ai courses include docker, chatbots, cloud, ML, Python, Node-RED, blockchain, TJBot, Big Data, Hadoop, Data Science, R, Serverless computing, Iot, Data Visualization, DL, Istio, Swift, statistics, Spark, GPU, Tensorflow, SQL, Bitcoin, Scala, NoSQL, MapReduce, YARN, Graphx, Kubernetes K8s, OpenShift, Microservices, Predictive modeling, Kafka, zookeeper, Solr, and more. see https://cognitiveclass.ai/courses
Data Science courses https://community.ibm.com/
Design Thinking course https://www.ibm.com/design/
AI: Deep Learning Course at NYU CDS (Center for Data Science) accessible to all: https://nyudatascience.medium.
Learn Python
Python is considered by many to be the most popular language for AI.
For beginners (and children too), you can learn a bit about Python by using Turtle graphics. This was introduced to me by our local library which sponsored an Hour of Code and provided some of the following links:
https://hourofpython.com/ - Click on the "start learning" button for the free lesson of "Python with Turtles" - This might be fun to do with your friends or family too.
Python Turtle sandbox and documentation on how to use turtle and the beginner's guide to python turtle
If you want to learn python, here are some courses and tutorials
Beginners guide: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers
Or you can monitor a class on Coursera or edx.
AI Newsletter: https://thesequence.substack.
Ivy League University Online Classes
Georgia Tech Course on Machine Learning (need to create a free account):
https://classroom.udacity.com/Data for AI:
Community Data License Agreement:
AWS Data Exchange marketplace
Data Access Exchange: DAX: https://developer.ibm.com/exchanges/data/
Has data notebooks
Model Exchanges
Model zoos: Pytorch, TensorFlow, Keras, ONYX
MAX – Model Asset Exchange
When I presented the webinar, there were questions about Project Management and AI. I referred people to my previous webinar on "Project Management and Artificial Intelligence" and my blog post on "Project Management and Artificial Intelligence"
4. Use / Apply
Alexa Skills:
Alexa has "Skill Blueprints" that can be set up fairly easily. For example, here is the Q&A skill blueprint you can use to have Alexa answer your questions with answers you want. More information in this article by CNBC "How to get Alexa to answer certain questions exactly how you want it to" Updated Thu, Apr 19 2018 by Todd Haselton @robotodd
Learn to program a skill (like an app) for Alexa: "What is the Alexa Skills Kit?"
Compete for good with AI: Kaggle Competitions include some benevolent uses of AI
"How to build a chatbot for your school in less than an hour" by Brooke Gleason on 08 APR 2020
AI Gaming - Competitions at programming bots to win games with bitcoin as the prize https://www.aigaming.com/5. Share / Use it for Good / For Benefit
AI for Good organization
DataRobot - AI for Good - For Non-profits - Cohort program open until April 30, 2021