Friday, August 06, 2010

Leadership Summit 2010 – Final Session: Combustible Passion (T.D. Jakes)

Leadership Summit 2010 – Final Session: Combustible Passion (T.D. Jakes)

(note: for other notes from the Leadership Summit, please see my other posts on my blog at or see my posts on twitter at - You will also find some great notes from the Leadership Summit at or follow Tim on twitter at

Bishop T.D. Jakes is a pastor, film maker, song writer, author, and a counselor to pastors and presidents.

I can to speak about how people can be passionate. Because people who are passionate are effective. Often the sacred is slow compared to secular. It's not always about money. People don't always do it because of money, they do it because they care.

How do we get our passion to infiltrate them?
Church leaders don't come to follow you, they come to follow the Lord. They came to follow him and got stuck with you. In sales we call it “Bait and Switch” (advertise one thing and sell another). It's a real step down from Jesus to you!

You can't get passionate people if you're not passionate yourself. It needs to come from a divine place. You can get ideas from lots of people and books, but it needs to come from above. You can't copy others. It needs to come from an inner place, not imitation.

You can't just be a “me-too” leader. It has to be something deep down in. You need to get the fire and pass it on.

1. Grow from a place of strength – get it from a divine place
God used Hanna to bring Samuel into the world. Leadership isn't maintenance, it's moving from here to there. It's like being behind someone on the highway who isn't moving.
People follow people who move, take action, and take risks. They need to sense they are on a mission bigger than you.
Make sure that the lamp in your organization doesn't go out. It's like the light is going out in your people because they are loosing the passion. It's like when we go to a restaurant and the person there makes the meal seem not too special. But, they can't help it, it comes from their leadership.

The passion needs to flow from the head, to the beard, to the skirts. The same passion needs to be at the Skirt as it is at the head. It needs to go all the way to miss Sally Ann at the checkout counter. Do a quality check. Let's not have a generation who fail to be all they can be.

You have to consistently challenge people to do what they can do. Make reachable goals. Challenge me to loose 10 pounds, not 200 pounds. When you overwhelm them, you defeat them.

Have a sense of gift assessment. What are your gifts. People recognize the gifts of better people better than their own. People find it difficult to find out what's good about them. When God gives you people, he's giving you something more important than money.

You want to make sure that the people working for you deliver on the promise you've made. They are an asset, not a liability. You need to communicate where you're going. Ask the Holy Spirit to show them. You're not in this by yourself. Just because you don't see results now, keep in mind that you have divine assistance. If you do something that gets you out of bed in the morning, then if you come up short, God will make up the difference.

By Passion, we don't mean emotionalize. Passion is the engine that fuels. You just need to let people have something to jump out of bed in the morning.
Ask the Lord to take what you've learned and apply what will work for you, what fits your skills.

We can do it. Someone say “We can do it!”

If you always hang around with people who do what you do, you compete with them, but they don't complete you. Builders need bankers.

You need confidants, people who are for you: when you're up, when you're down. You can be transparent with you. If you

Then there are constituents. These people are not for you, but they are bought into your cause and your mission. They may move to another “car” that is going in the same direction, because they are there not for you, but for the cause.
I call this scaffolding, because the building moves, but the scaffolding is left. Don't confuse them with the confidants. When they leave, just say “and it came to pass.”

There are people who are attracted by the fight. These people aren't for the cause, but they just want to fight. Like Jesus had Peter and he cut off the ear, you need ear-cutters. Is there someone under you fighting you? Can you give them a target and use them to fight for you rather than having the target on your back.

Real good leadership takes the passion of the leader and puts it on the team. If the leader is loving, the people are loving. If the leader is stayed and stoic, so will be the people.

If you're going to lead like Jesus, you need to show them your wounds. He showed himself to the disciples afterwards. They learn as much from his struggle as they do from his winning.

Sometimes I get tired of encouraging people. Sometimes they go home with your courage and you go home discouraged and depleted. It's like the the innkeeper that the good Samaritan left the person who was mugged on the road. The good Samaritan told him “when I return, if I owe you anything, I will repay you.” He knew that the innkeeper would do what needed to be done and operate in the red. We often operate in the red.

I wish I could tell you that everything will turn out the way you want. I wish I could tell you that it will all go smooth. But, when you feel yourself feeling a little low and tired, remember that you have a good to whom you can turn and ask for help and passion so you can pass it on.

My heart is overwhelmed I go to the rock. Because you won't let me off the hook, renew my faith and strength and I will do it again.

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