Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rise Against Hunger 23,000 meals packaged! You can too!

On October 26, 2019 about 105 people got together for about 2.5 hours and packed 23,000+ meals with Rise Against Hunger. This picture shows just a portion of the meals packaged.

We had people packing meals from a net-working group that's hosted at the church, youth group members, boy scouts and cub scouts, the Interact club from the Roxbury High School and other community groups.

The work started about a year prior to this with many fundraisers to raise 34 cents per meal for a total of more than $7800.
Fundraisers included asking businesses for contributions, a fundraising dinner (, the youth group doing a car wash, bake sales, and more.

A member also sold more than $20,000 worth of Shoprite gift cards.  ShopRite donates a portion of the sale to the fundraising. If you would like to support our event next year by buying ShopRite gift cards, let us know.

Printastic donated the banner this year for the event so we could list all of the many supporting organizations. Some of the organizations were Diamond Gymnastics, Joe’s Pizza, Bryan’s Luncheonette, Nordic Contracting, Ronetco Supermarkets (ShopRite), Panera, Haagen Dazs, Flanders Bagel, and Fuddruckers. Please visit our supoorters.

Thank you to the many people and organizations who gave of their time to raise funds and pack meals.

Thank you to the many businesses, organizations, and individuals who supported the fundraising.

This year’s event was a follow-up to last year's event and we plan to do it again next year on Saturday, October 24, 2020. Here's where you can find out more, donate, or sign up to help.

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