Thursday, February 04, 2021

7 Proven Ways to Manage Your Time and Tasks


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I'm giving a free webinar on 2021-02-10 titled "7 Proven Ways to Manage  Your Time and Tasks."

In this post I will provide some information related to the subject. Anyone attending the webinar can find more detail here in this post. If you want to attend, register at this link.

The 7 Proven Techniques are:

1. The Pomodoro technique ® – focus and eliminate distractions

2. GTD: getting things done – take big tasks (projects) and break down into pieces. Just start on one piece.
3. Inbox 0 – Manage your email inbox - look at each incoming task once
4. Personal kanban – visualize work, limit work in progress
5. Saying "No"
6. Eisenhower's prioritization technique
7. Margin – Don’t over-commit
8. Bonus: bullet journaling

 You'll find links to more information below:

Here is a very recent article about Time Management:

3 time management myths messing with your productivity

 1. Pomodoro Technique ® (Registered Trademark)

2. GTD: getting things done – take big tasks (projects) and break down into pieces. Just start on one piece.

3. Inbox 0 – Manage your email inbox - look at each incoming task once

 4. Personal kanban – principles: visualize work, limit work in progress

5. Eisenhower's prioritization technique

6. Saying "No"


7. Margin – Don’t over-commit

8. Bonus: Bullet Journaling (aka BuJo)

My past two blog posts on this subject are also helpful:

I am available to do webinars and presentations on a wide range of topics.
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  Please comment here with your ideas about being more productive!

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