IBM will have it's computer named "Watson" play in Jeopardy in February 2011.
The games will be televised on Feb. 14, 15 and 16, 2011.
These shows will be definitely worth watching!
I'm really looking forward to this since I worked with Alex Trebec in Los Angeles back about 1992 while working in a different company on a Jeopardy Video game! He's a great person!
Here are several articles on Watson (several have links to videos within them)
I'm really looking forward to this since I worked with Alex Trebec in Los Angeles back about 1992 while working in a different company on a Jeopardy Video game! He's a great person!
Here are several articles on Watson (several have links to videos within them)
- Jeopardy! Viewing Party kit to print:
http ://w ww.s crib m/fu ll/4 8164 541? acce ss_k ey=k ey-g d7zf dygu hb4p u76x xq - When Jeopardy! is being televised: (note: it says there are no stations for New Jersey, but I know that channel 7 WABC from New York televises it)
- You can watch blog postings live during the show on PBS here: http
://w ww.p bs.o rg/w gbh/ nova /tec h/sm arte st-m achi ne-o n-ea rth. html - You can also watch live twitter posts (even if you don't have a twitter account) here:
- PBS’s ‘Nova’ Aired a documentary on IBM Computer’s Quest to Win on ‘Jeopardy’ Feb. 9, 2011 (replay available online)
http and://w ww.p bs.o rg/w gbh/ nova /tec h/sm arte st-m achi ne-o n-ea rth. html - If "Watson" wins, The winnings will be donated to World Vision and World Community Grid
- IBM's webpage about Watson:
- 2010-01-13: Here's a link I found in an email addressed to me. It is a 6 minute overview of the project from it's start in 2007 and shows early trials:
- Introduction of the IBM Teams:
http ://w ww.h uffi ngto npos m/20 10/1 2/16 /bui ldin g-wa tson -mee t-th e-_n _797 998. html Interview with IBM's Watson Research Manager Eric Brown, http ://n ews. cnet .com /830 1-13 772_ 3-20 0258 29-5 ml Overview of the matchup in February and how Watson was designed: http ://w ww.e dmon tonj ourn al.c om/e nter tain ment /win s+sp ot+J eopa rdy/ 4000 024/ stor ml What is Watson? IBM Research information on Watson: http ://w ww.r esea rch. ibm. com/ deep qa/ http ://w ww.d vrpl aygr ound .com /blo g/en try/ 2230 1/Yo ur-T V-Te ch-F ix-I BM-s -Wat son- is-a -JEO PARD Y-Pl ayin g-Ma chin e... -Lit eral ly./ Overview of the winnings at stake: http ://s eerp ress .com /jeo pard y-ch amps -to- go-u p-ag ains t-ib m-su per- comp uter -in- 2011 /176 58/ Youtube video of Alex Trebec (Jeopardy host) and IBM discussion of Watson: http ://w ww.y outu be.c om/w atch ?v=i steK Npv_ nM w3 news release (you can comment too) http ://w 3.ib m/ne ws/w 3new s/to p_st orie s/20 10/1 2/ch q_wa tson _jeo pard ml Note: I had an opportunity to meet Alex Trebec when I worked for a past employer and were were doing a video game of Jeopardy! Social Discussion on Watson: http ://w ww-9 49.i bm.c om/s ocia l/wa tson / IBM's press release ( http ://w ww-0 3.ib m/pr ess/ us/e n/pr essr elea se/3 3233 .wss Follow Watson on Facebook http ://w ww.f aceb ook. com/ ibmw atso n Play Jeopardy against Watson online: http ://w ww.n ytim es.c om/i nter acti ve/2 010/ 06/1 6/ma gazi ne/w atso n-tr ivia -gam ml?r ef=m agaz ine For more information, please visit