Monday, July 24, 2017

TJBot New Recipe (post #5 about TJBot)

TJBot has learned some new tricks!
I loaded a new recipe to show to the Children at the Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Church a few weeks ago! The Children and parents liked meeting TJBot!

 This is all mostly technical stuff for people who ask me questions about how I did it, so if you're not technically minded, you can skip this blog post.

 First, here are the links to previous posts on TJBot:  #1 order parts,  #2 test the hardware, #3 assemble the cardboard , #4 TJBot Talks

One thing I missed in the assembly instructions:
Use a screw to connect the TJBot Arm to the servo, otherwise it will keep falling off! (not mentioned in any of the instructions anywhere)

So, here are a bunch of my notes I took. They are sporadic because I stumbled on them over the course of trying to get this to work. 

I loaded a new recipe:
Recipe for TJdashboard -
After done loading it, you can retrain Conversation to add more intents. I did this and added a bunch of intents and dialog entries to correspond to the Bible topics of the VBS week.
May need to get a new trial account since there is a limit to the number of services.
Booting up TJBot without a monitor and keyboard
I couldn't get auto boot up to work (see links below), so needed to ssh from laptop to get TJBot started, so used these instructions
those instructions are very complicated, so basically I just did the following:
Connect up a cable
arp -a
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
Then, once connected, modify the wpa_supplicant.conf file for adding new wireless SSIDs and pwds
do ifconfig to get IP address (see below), then Then to start TJbot Dashboard:
cd /home/pi/tjdashboard 
sudo node dasshboard.js

Control-C will stop the dashboard program from running on tjbot.  You should do sudo shutdown to gracefully shut down the pi

To select the correct microphone
arecord -l
sudo config.js
modify it for the correct device ID
(can also flip the camera there too)

you may also need to Blacklist audio

to get to the "dashboard" from a browser...
ifconfig to get ip
Dashboard buttons: 
"See" will take a photo and tell what it sees
Text will take a photo and look for text in the picture that tells a color 
Dance: will dance and wave arm
Wave: will wave arm
LED: to change LED color

Turn "Listening" on and off then it will not respond

Faces: uses local Face detect and will load your picture in dashboard
Sentiment: only if you connect sentiment 

Note that Everything you say is sent to Watson Conversation Service (WCS), but only acted on if an intent is found

Here are some posts I used to try to boot into the dashboard at startup, but I can't get it to work
Tried the comment at the beginingof /etc/rc.local:
node /home/pi/tjdashboard/dashboard.js < /dev/null &
It started up, but can't reach the dashboard URL without getting errors

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Does Your Church Assume Folks are Visitors or Regular Attenders?

We've visited many various churches over the years.
We see two main types of communications styles. The styles seem to be based on what they believe about the types of people attending.

There are the Churches who are always Communicating for New People:
Some churches make the assumption that there are New Comers and Visitors. All of their communications are from this viewpoint.
When communications go out from these churches, they mention every single thing that is going on with excitement. They answer the questions of "who, what, where, when, and how" so everyone knows how to be involved. They tells stories of what's been accomplished so the excitement builds.

There are churches who are always communicating to regular attenders
Other churches communicate from the viewpoint that everyone knows everything and everyone. When these communications go out, they assume that you already know what's going on and how to get involved. Not all of the questions you would have are answered.  Sometimes, people who have gone to these churches for a long time don't even know what's going on. After a big event happens, there may not even be any mention of how well it went.

What do you think about this?
Have you experienced the same?