Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Does Your Church Assume Folks are Visitors or Regular Attenders?

We've visited many various churches over the years.
We see two main types of communications styles. The styles seem to be based on what they believe about the types of people attending.

There are the Churches who are always Communicating for New People:
Some churches make the assumption that there are New Comers and Visitors. All of their communications are from this viewpoint.
When communications go out from these churches, they mention every single thing that is going on with excitement. They answer the questions of "who, what, where, when, and how" so everyone knows how to be involved. They tells stories of what's been accomplished so the excitement builds.

There are churches who are always communicating to regular attenders
Other churches communicate from the viewpoint that everyone knows everything and everyone. When these communications go out, they assume that you already know what's going on and how to get involved. Not all of the questions you would have are answered.  Sometimes, people who have gone to these churches for a long time don't even know what's going on. After a big event happens, there may not even be any mention of how well it went.

What do you think about this?
Have you experienced the same?

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