Sunday, March 31, 2019

Digital Transformation and Disruption

Image by geralt on pixabay

 Note: I continue to provide talks on Digital Transformation. I'll add information here as I find more.

On October 2020 I am speaking on "Project Management of Digital Transformation". The original webinar is free. The replay will be available later for people who join the Great IT Professional.

A good friend, Steve Blais, has a presentation that I recommend on the subject of Digital Transformation (available on-demand). It is very informative. I include some of his points in my presentation.

Another good friend, George Pace, has a YouTube channel and he has been doing a weekly live streaming presentation on Digital Disruption. His website has more information too.

 These are notes from my earlier presentation on the same subject:

Someone was asking me today what my definition of Digital Transformation is. My definition is below. I had to think about it because I will be doing a presentation on the topic of "Managing Digitial Transformation and Disruption" on May 6, 2019 at the PMI NJ Symposium and I will provide the audience with a link to this blog post so they can find more information. So, this blog post will most likely be updated over time.

My Definition of Digital Transformation:
Digital Transformation is the use of digital technologies (AI, IoT, Cloud, Big data and analytics, blockchain, AR, VR, drones, etc.) to transform business.

It's not just about changing existing systems to use these technologies, but it's about leveraging these technologies to transform business.

Digital Transformation is much more effective when it delivers a focus on the customer.  There are several links below that demonstrate that importance.

Some helpful links:

Digital Transformation (DT) Definitions

Digital Transformation Articles
Digital Transformation Pitfalls and Fixes

Digital Transformation and Project Management

Digitial Transformation Use Cases

Disruption / VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
Artificial Inteligence:

Customer Experience and Design Thinking

  • The Right Way to Lead Design Thinking - Harvard Business Review March-April 2019. This article speaks about the importance of empathizing with the customer. There are good case history stories and a good example of how to navigate ambiguity.
Project Complexity (occurs during DT)
  • Project Complexity Model - This article explains many aspects of project complexity. Most, if not all of these, occur in DT projects

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