Thursday, August 11, 2011

Global Leadership Summit 2011 Session 3A Courageous Leadership for Catalytic Times

Global Leadership Summit 2011 Session 3A Courageous Leadership for Catalytic Times

Rev. Brenda Salter McNeil

Chuck Yaeger was the pilot that broke through the comfort zone and into space.

Acts 1:8 You will receive power... you will be witnesses

The mandate is to take the message to others: the whole human race.

Jerusalem is symbolic of our home turf, where we're comfortable, our place of connection: the place where people are most like us. We need to witness to the good news there.

Judea – this is where we look alike, but there are divisions and differences. It is where people are all from the same place, but people don't understand each other. But, there is a church in NJ where an elderly woman had been a victim of predatory lending and the church bought her home and sold it back to her for one dollar.

Samaria – these are the neighborhoods where we drive through and lock our doors. It's a prison, places of the poor, sex trafficing, child soldiers, corporate greed, drug dealers, poor. This is also were we need to witness. There are stories of christians helping in these places. We need to be witnesses of the Good News in these places.

The church needs a catalytic event to push them beyond their “sound barrier.” In Acts 2:1-11. They were in the prayer meeting and they caught on they caught on fire!

Maybe the economic crisis is God's way of bringing us together. Maybe he's bringing together people who wouldn't work together to partner together.

So, the questions is: are you ready to break through your sound barier.

1. Pray for a divine mandate

  1. Ask God what things have my name on it? What is it our organization should be doing?

  2. Name your catalytic events


For more information on the Leadership Summit and Ocean Grove (“God's Square Mile on the Jersey Shore”) where their mission of Spiritual Birth, Growth and Renewal is lived out in community, visit my earlier post:

You'll also find links there to other great bloggers and tweeters on the conference.

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